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YOUR INDIVIDUALITY is your allie in a fast paced world of confusion and distraction. Becoming deeply rooted in your unique authentic self is the path towards self-realization.

Establish a strong identity

Being informed about your personality traits, your strengths and your weaknesses will make the difference when it comes to finding your role and living your purpose in life.

Goup dynamics

In the context of relationships, public spaces or work environments your identity is undergoing shifts that are the result of the interaction of energy fields that create group auras. Learning about these different dynamics offers you an advantage when it comes to understanding your role in each specific setting. 

No false masks

The lack of knowing who you are can be the fostering ground for psychological symptoms and relationships that do not reflect your true nature. We are living in a time in which we mostly had to submerge ourselves to stereotypes and outside rules that overpowered our identity. Many have never had a chance to truly discover what defines their identity.

When development of self is repressed since an early age, it lays out the ground for personality disorders.

The tools

that I blend into my personal consulting sessions are Human Design - the science of aura mechanics, BG5 - the business application of Human Design and my background as a clinical psychologist. I am trained in cognitive behaviour therapy, hypnotherapy and trauma recovery. Dream guidance and flower essences are my spiritual and emotional helpers

'A dreamdancer is an individual that has awakened from a state of dream into lucid self awareness.'

Dreamdancer Healing S.A. de C.V.

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